Order How To Walk A Tightrope In High Heel Shoes Today
It is quite challenging to walk on a tightrope. Just ask the acrobats. So, imagine doing it in a pair of stiletto heels. No one has ever seen this done. You may just be the first! Grab your life by the horns and cooperate with the wonderful destiny that has been laid out for you. See your challenges and obstacles in a whole new light! It is training, it’s boot camp and preparation for a much greater tomorrow! With God, there is nothing you can’t do.

This Book Will Help You Face Challenging Situations with Faith, Confidence, Insight and Femininity.
Learn how to live a full life balancing your needs along with family, friends, business and love.
Discover advice from women of various backgrounds and generations on how to make good life decisions.
Celebrate your unique identity and craft a path that leads to your own kind of success!
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Author Profile
About Nat C. Jones
Nat C. Jones built a career on community and personal development, working for government and nonprofit organizations for over 12 years. As a Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Community Life Improvement Center, she made her mark serving the personal and professional needs of citizens in the Central Florida Area.